Review: "Cress" (The Lunar Chronicles #3) by Marissa Meyer

Another volume, another heroine.
Getting back in this world and meeting my favorite characters again made me really happy. Only after I started reading Cress, I realized how much I’ve missed them!
The plot is well-paced, so when you see that the book has over 500 pages don’t freak out because it’s a fast-read, you will surely be sucked into the fictional world and the events will keep you on the edge of your seat until the end and will make you want it to have had even more pages.
The story is told in multiple POVs, just like the previous two books, but Marissa's writing is so easy and straight forward that you won't get confused, even though there are a lot of events and plot twists that take place throughout the book.
With every new book there are new characters added, each of them vibrant and full of personality and you will surely love them like I do. Cress is one of the characters that I have much sympathy for: she is so innocent, curious and full of life that you can’t not love her. She is such a sweetheart and a genius tech, Rapunzel-like but she is also really clumsy. Furthermore, she and Thorne make a cute pair.
And for the world building, in each book we find more and more about Cinder’s world, about its history, its laws and so on, so Meyer is not just great at creating amazing characters but also great at constructing well-built fictional universes. What disappointed me in this volume was Wolf’s attitude, he acted the whole book as a jerk, I understand that what happened with Scarlet made him worried but ACTING LIKE A BASTARD WON’T HELP HER, YOU STUPID…! anyway, besides Wolf being useless I think there wasn’t anything else that bothered me…well, actually, maybe just the fact that Scarlet was almost absent from this installment, so I hope that she would appear more in the next volume.
And, last but not least, I have to tell a few words about Iko too, because she is totally my favorite character!! I mean, I think Iko is surely the favorite character of all the ones that read this series. She has such a great personality, I love her humor and she seems more human than a human being even though she is a robot. Through the end Meyer gives us a glimpse of Winter, who seems a little weird but her personality intrigued me, so I can’t wait to read more about her in the next and last installment of the Lunar Chronicles series: Winter.
If you haven't read this series yet, what are you waiting for?
I’m going to start reading Winter, meanwhile I left you my favorite quote from the book:
"Do you think it was destiny that brought us together?" He squinted and, after a thoughtful moment, shook his head. "No. I'm pretty sure it was Cinder.”